Waste Treatment

Waste to Energy Plant Silla 2 in Milan (Italy)

Waste treatment Waste to energy plants

Waste to Energy Plant Silla 2 in Milan (Italy)

The plant lies north-west to Milan, near Figino, and was built to replace the existing incinerator (named Silla 1).

It was designed and built for thermal waste incineration and co-generation of power and heat for district heating. 


At its full capacity the plant can generate sufficient amount of heat to meet the requirements of 15,000 families living in the nearby Gallaratese district and the new Rho-Pero fair- grounds. Also, the plant generates sufficient power to meet annual power requirements of 80.000 families.


The most reliable and innovative technologies were implemented to assure the lowest environmental impact concerning emissions to the atmosphere, noise level, liquid and solid waste, and associated vehicle traffic. Special attention was paid to the implementation of control systems aimed at keeping the low impact values achieved unchanged.


Project Figures:

  • Number of lines n. 3
  • Flow capacity t/h 60.42
  • Waste LHV kcal/kg 11,000
  • Thermal capacity MW 184.6
  • Steam generation t/h 225
  • Power         MW 59
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AMSA Spa – Milan


Milan, Italy



Cost of works

Euro 175 million