Water Treatment

Waste water treatment plant: deodorisation plant after the connection to Finale Ligure Area (Italy)

Waste water treatment plant: deodorisation plant after the connection to Finale Ligure Area (Italy)

Traitement de l eau Stations d epuration des eaux usees

Waste water treatment plant: deodorisation plant after the connection to Finale Ligure Area (Italy)

The plant includes a horizontal-type wet scrubber with three washing stages (sulphuric acid, sodium hypochlorite+caustic soda and caustic soda) with capacity of 16,000 Nm3 h-1, made in polypropylene, with centrifugal aspirator fitted with soundproofing cabin, and chimney stack for the outlet of deodorized air into the atmosphere.

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Municipality of Finale Ligure (Savona)

Prestations de service

Detailed Design, Works Supervision

Coût des travaux

Euro 130,500

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