Marine and Coastal Engineering

Post contract consultancy for cleaning of Al Dakhira channel (Qatar)

Marine et Cotiere Dragage et remblai de terre-plein

Post contract consultancy for cleaning of Al Dakhira channel (Qatar)

The works comprise the removal of silt, sand and any loose obstacles in accordance with the bathymetric survey report and drawings for an area of approximately 80,000 sqm within Al Dakhira Port and Channel, as well as supply and development of No. 10 Navigation Aids. The works are scheduled to be complete in 150 days. 

The works have to take care of mitigation measures required by SCENR (Supreme Council for the Environment and Natural Resources); a suitable disposal area for the dredged material has been allocated.

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Public Works Authority, Building Affairs



Prestations de service

Post contract consultancy for cleaning of Al Dakhira channel

Coût des travaux

Euro 2,804,400

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