Ports and Waterways

Supervision fo the works for estension and rehabilitation of the passenger wharves on the outer side of the breakwater of the city port of Split (Croatia)

Ports et voies navigables Terminaux quais et brise-lames

Supervision fo the works for estension and rehabilitation of the passenger wharves on the outer side of the breakwater of the city port of Split (Croatia)

The Port of Split is Croatia’s largest passenger port and one of the largest in the Mediterranean. The Port’s location on the Adriatic coast has made it an important centre for local and international maritime travel. With number of passengers on the increase it is vital for the city that its port is able to manage the flow of goods and passengers effectively. The statutory task to the Port Authority of Split is the construction, maintenance and management of the Port of Split area and has started the process for the EXTENSION AND REHABILITATION OF THE PASSENGER WHARVES ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BREAKWATER OF THE CITY PORT OF SPLIT. The project is divided into two phases:


Construction – marine works of Phase 1 is related to the Western berth (Berth 1) for cruisers/ro-ro ships of the future complete structure of External berths at breakwater of City port of Split. It is so-called Berth 1 and related structures (auxiliary facilities and border crossing with the purpose of accepting ships of max length of 320 m).


Berth 2 for cruisers, together with Stage 1 makes technical and technological unit and consists of:

  • main berthing dock (berth 2) which is divided in 3 dilatations/joints; and
  • emergency approach 3.
  • with the purpose of accepting ships of max length of 265 m.

The construction of all the parts of the berth structure (coastal structure) has been designed as a system of RC slabs supported by the RC frames. RC frames are supported by the RC drilled piles. The piles end with RC cap, concreted „in situ“, while for the emergency approaches and breasting dolphin/extension of the berth 28  the cape is made as prefabricated element. The second part of the above-sea structure is a RC slab made in two parts, the lower part as prefabricated RC elements 25 cm thick, while the upper part is concreted „in situ“. The above-sea structure is supported by the RC drilled piles.In the transverse direction 4 rows of piles of axial distance of 4,20 m are foreseen, while in the longitudinal direction the distance between the piles is 10,00 m.  The entire project foresees a total of 321 piles, of which 293 piles are of diameter of 1500/1820 mm, and the remaining 28 piles of 1200/1400 mm. The total width of both berths is 15 m The highest level of planes of both berths is +2.75 m, while the coastal edge is at the level +2.60 m.

Berth 1 is connected with the breakwater over two approach bridges, approach 1-berth 1 and approach 2-berth 1, while the Berth 2 is connected over only one approach bridge approach – berth 2. Approach widths are min. 7,50 m, of that 4,50 m for traffic lane, and sidewalks for pedestrians on both sides per 1,50 m. In the place of the breasting dolphin/extension of the berth 28 jet grouting of columns of diameter of 100 cm are foreseen, for the purpose of soil stabilization and to ensure the stability of the existing lighthouse during the temporary excavation works. Construction and reconstruction of stone embankment (slope protection of southern side of the existing breakwater) is also part of the project. The project foresees the formation of a new border crossing in the place where now there are existing warehouse facilities of the „Dalmacijavino“, whose partial removal is foreseen due to the mentioned works. The border crossing is equipped with all the necessary contents (booths for police and customs, ramps, fences, etc.) roofed with a canopy (steel construction; dimension 28 m by 17,3 m; height 6,35 m). Within the border crossing, a new sanitary block is foreseen in the area of the reconstructed warehouse facility (dimension 6,3 m by 17,3 m; height 6,35 m).

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Split Port Authority (Lučka uprava Split)


Split, Croatia

Prestations de service

Works Supervision

Coût des travaux

Euro 23,347,366,98

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