Roads and Motorways

Consulting Services for the Design and Supervision of the Sub-Structures for the Prefabricated Steel Acrow Panel Bridges in Eastern Province

Roads and Motorways Motorways

Consulting Services for the Design and Supervision of the Sub-Structures for the Prefabricated Steel Acrow Panel Bridges in Eastern Province

The project’s objective is the development of Consulting Services for the Design of the Sub-structures, assembly and installation of Prefabricated 20 Steel ACROW Panel Bridges in the Eastern Province, Zambia, for a total bridge surface of about 4’600 m2.

The project is supported by the Government of the Republic of Zambia through the Road Development Agency (RDA) in the context of the Road Sector Investment Programme (Road SlP). The Road Development Agency (RDA) has embarked on a project of constructing 20 bridges in the peri-urban and rural parts of the Eastern Province of the country. This is aimed at improving transportation and accessibility to these areas for socio-economic prosperity. 

The initiative is part of the Road Sector Investment Programme (RoadSIP) being implemented country wide. The key objective of RoadSIP is to construct, maintain, rehabilitate and improve or upgrade the Core Road Network (CRN) which has been defined by the RoadSIP II as the minimum network required to spur economic development in Zambia. Once implemented, the project will bring about improved accessibility, lower transport costs, reduced travel time leading to overall poverty reduction through job creation and enhanced agricultural/marketing activities. 

The scope of the works, based on preliminary surveys done in the year 2013, is summarized here below:

Design of sub-structures for n. 20 bridges, with a total length L = 750 m, and a maximum span length L = 60.96 m

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Republic of Zambia - Road Development Agency (RDA)


Eastern Province - Zambia (Zambia)


Preliminary and Detailed Engineering Design of the sub-structures, Environmental Project Brief, preparation of Bidding Documents; Terms of Reference for the Supervision of the bridge sub structures construction and bridge component assembly to optimal, cost-effective and economically justified standards. Works Supervision.

Cost of works

Euro 23,100,021