
New Multipurpose Platform in Vado Ligure (Italy)

Ambiente VIA e piani di monitoraggio

New Multipurpose Platform in Vado Ligure (Italy)

The port area of Vado Ligure is one of the most important Italian port terminals. The new multi-functional platform will rearrange the bulk cargo terminal, the two jetties for unloading of petroleum products and will include the construction of a new container terminal.

The EIA has been divided into three frameworks: Design framework; Planning framework and Environmental framework.

The design framework describes in detail the project. The main project actions have been analysed for both the construction and operation phases in order to highlight the main interactions between the work and the context. Since the early stages of the drafting of the EIA, agreements with local authorities have been undertaken.

In the planning framework, the possible interferences between the platform and the requirements and constraints contained in the territorial planning programs have been analysed.

In the environmental framework, an accurate description of the current state of the environment has been performed. In addition, the evaluation of the potential impacts generated during the construction and operation phase has been carried out.

The description of the base conditions includes: air quality and climate weather conditions, coastal waters (waves and currents, hydrodynamics, sediment transport, quality), soil and subsoil (geology and geomorphology, soil quality and sediment quality), flora and fauna, landscape, archaeological, noise and vibration, economy and social aspects.

A modelling and numerical approach have been used to study and describe the effects of the new infrastructure. Then, the analysis of the variation of the environmental conditions have been carried out.

Key environmental aspects under study were:

  • Detail study of the seabed with quality analysis of the sediments in order to evaluate the risk of the reuse of the dredging material;
  • Modelling simulation of the hydrodynamic condition with particular attention to the variation of the coastal circulation and possible effect on the shoreline;
  • Inclusion of the new platform into the landscape considering the master plan for the new waterfront.

Field tests have been carried out in order to study the effects of the dredging activities, with particular attention to the resuspension of contaminated sediments. The results have been used to develop a standard operating procedure to be followed during the construction phase, in accordance with the environmental authorities.

Following the evaluation process, the necessity of mitigation measures useful to minimize the effect of the work on the environment has been considered. Special attention has been paid to minimize the impact on nearby beaches so as to avoid repercussions on the local economy and improve the acceptance of the work by the local population.

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Savona Port Authority


Vado Ligure SV, Italy



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