
Roads and infrastructures – Phase 2 Packages 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 17 (Qatar)

Ambiente VIA e piani di monitoraggio

Roads and infrastructures – Phase 2 Packages 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 17 (Qatar)

The project is located in 8 different areas across the state of Qatar. The scope of work includes the design of new roads and infrastructures in new district and upgrading of existing ones to new requirements. The Project area comprises 2,932 ha.

Based upon our experience, the Environmental assessment is most effective when preliminary findings are made available early in the project implementation schedule, therefore a close interaction between the staff responsible for the environmental issues and the project issues is an integral part of the method of work.

The evaluation of the environmental impacts is the result of this joint effort of the project and EIA team, aimed at understanding the main relations between the project implementation and the surrounding environment and at tackling the most critical environmental aspects at the earlier stage possible.

This helps in responding to the need of minimising the environmental impacts in the most cost-effective manner, by introducing alternatives or modifications in the project solutions originally chosen (based upon pure technical criteria), before their further implementation in the project.

At the same time this helps in avoiding costly delays and problems during the construction phase of the proposed works.

The EIA has been performed according to the existing Qatari legislation and in close liaison with Ministry of Environment (MoE), Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning (MMUP) and Qatar Museum Authority. The following environmental aspects have been included in the scope for the case under study: air quality, noise, vibration, soil and subsoil, water and groundwater resources, terrestrial ecology, landscape, cultural heritage, social aspects, waste management.

The nature of the impacts of the project on the environment has been estimated in relation to a list of criteria, based on World Bank, European Union and other guidelines generally utilized at international levels.

The study reflected our previous and present experience in Qatar on this kind of jobs.

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Urban Planning And Development General Authority (UPDA


Doha, Qatar



Costo dei lavori

Euro 1,550,000,000

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